Bhairav Prasad and Charu Thakur
Chronic Overworking: Cause Extremely Negative Impact on Health and Quality of Life
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2019; 3(1):11-15
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Work is an action that organizes and provides meaning to the use of time in a society that
has programmed its rhythms as a function. It is important in structuring daily life and in
enabling a sense of continuity, provides capital, satisfaction that flourishing human life and
his family. What’s more, it is an antidote against boredom and emptiness. But it also
means we never really clock out while working and become too much workaholic. The
persistent overwork has extremely negative impacts on our health, happiness, and overall
quality of life. Nowadays working overtime has become the norm for most people. It is one
of those things everyone knows is bad for us, but no one really listens. Imbalance between
work and health or overwork not only bad for employees but also for employers. The long
working in the office or at home is bad for our health and our performance at work. A
person who expands more time in work may experience numerous health problems
including mental, physical and social problems. The Significant effects include stress, lack
of free time, poor work-life balance, relation hit and serious health risks lead to tiredness,
fatigue, obesity, lack of attentiveness, insomnia, depression, diabetes, high BP, Cerebrocardiovascular
problem, etc.