Quality Assurance of the Journal
The articles with originality, unique in nature and a good outcome of the research will be considered for publication in IJAMHR, and all the manuscript will be subjected to strict peer review.
Facilitate Broad Readership
The IJAMHR is a multidisciplinary nature; it will give the opportunity to our authors to expand their work in the form of manuscript and to maximize the distribution of their work to many researchers and academicians, and this will benefited for the researchers of other fields. Articles published in the journal can be freely downloaded from the journal site.
High visibility
The authors may enjoy the high visibility of the journal and its contents which support the researchers and the academician, after complete their research work, the works are ready for visualize to the whole world by publication in IJAMHR.
Rapid publication
IJAMHR is the place for the researcher to enhance the importance of the research by rapid publication, so it will be available online within two weeks. For rapid publication please ask to editor by writing an e-mail to editorijamhr@gmail.com, editor@ijamhr.com, our editorial team will reply you soon after your e-mail. The journal offers accelerated publication whilst ensuring rigorous peer review.
Online functionality
International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) encourage their authors to include supplementary features with their work, including colour figures, illustrations at no extra charge.