
Call for Research / Review Articles

International Journal of Advance Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR)

I hereby want to invite you to submit a paper for the International Journal of Advance Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR).

We are pleased to inform you that we are started a new journal on health sciences and we are in the process of releasing our First Issue of First Volume of our journal. We would be grateful if you would submit a paper for to complete the first issue of first volume. Research Article, Review Article, Case Reports, and Brief Communication etc are welcome for possible publication in this issue.

It would be grateful if you could submit your paper on or before 15 September, 2017. If you are ready with the manuscript please submit your article at editorijamhr@gmail.com

Looking forward to hear from you soon
Thanks & Regards
Editor In-Chief
International Journal of Microbiology and Health Research

Developed By : Hashtag Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions for Authors

Q 1: What is the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR)?

Answer: International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) is an indexed, international journal, published 12 issues per year (January to December) started publication in Sept, 2015. The International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (www.ijamhr.com) is a board ranging open access, independent, peer-reviewed, quaterly published online in English only. The Journal welcomes the original research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, case reports, brief communications and notes also. It publishes innovative research papers related fields given below: Life-Sciences, Medical & Clinical Sciences. It gives full text freely online availability of articles in PDF format only. It provides a unique platform for rapid publication with least publication charges. With the facility of fast online manuscript submission and Email alert updates we give rapid publication and high visibility. We started with a Mission to encourage contribution to Research in Sciences and Technology for achieving better future lives for all. We serve science and mankind at the highest levels of professional Ethical Conduct.

The most important key facts for the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research are
• Open Access
• Peer review (Double blinded)
• Least publication fees
• No page limit
• Provide article publication certificate to each authors

Q 2: Is there any copyright policy of the journal?

Answer: Copyrights for articles published in the journal are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author's responsibility to bring an infringement action if so desired by the author.

Q 3: Are all articles of the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research Open Access?

Answer: All articles published in the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research is Open Access. They are freely and universally (Libraries) accessible online for everyone immediately upon publication without any registration.

Q 4: How do I submit an article for publication?

Answer: Please submit your article online. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please click “Online submission”. The link “http://IJAMHR.com/online_authorform.aspx” leads you directly to the submission system used by that journal. The Authors Instruction tab provides information on submitting your article to the journal.

Q 5: How much does it cost to publish in an IJAMHR journal?

Answer: The Authors Instruction tab provides information about Article Processing Charge (APC) to the journal. There will be an Article Processing Charge (APC) to be paid by the author (or his/her funding institution). As a consequence, the article can be freely read, downloaded or distributed from Archives by any internet user.

Q 6: How much time does the journal take for complete review process?

Answer: The complete review process takes maximum two weeks after the acknowledgement of the submission e-mail of the contributor.

Q 7: What about the copyright of an article published in the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research?

Answer: Authors retain copyright of their article. The articles of the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 (as of June 11, 2016), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Q 8: How can I find out about the current status of my journal article?

Answer: For most of our journals the corresponding author can track the article online. Every step is described and will let’s know whether action is required.
Article Stages
1. Confirmation of receipt
2. Typesetting
3. Article proofs sent to author
4. Corrected proofs returned by author
5. Online First – Article available online
6. Journal Issue available online
7. Article published (final electronic version)

Q 9: What exactly is Online First?

Answer: The Online First service lets users access peer reviewed articles well before publication.

Q 10: Can I still make corrections to my article after it has been published Online First?

Answer: The online publication represents the official publication of research results. It is not simply a prepublication service on the part of the publisher. As soon as an article is published online, it is citable and quotable. If changes are then made, confusion can easily arise, with authors citing different versions of the same publication. IJAMHR has therefore decided not to make systematic use of the technical possibilities that an online publication offers and not to simply replace a published document with an updated one. After online publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyper-linked to the article.

Q 11: Is there any publication fee?

Answer: Yes. There is a publication fee in the journal. The publication processing fee for a research paper is Rs. 2000 (for Indian authors) and 50 USD (for foreign authors). The publication fee is charged only for accepted paper. The author/corresponding author has to pay the publication as per the method determined by the executive editor.

Q 12: Is the journals published in online and print both?

Answer: The journal is published online only, soon will publish in print.

Q 13: Who is the publisher of the journal?

Answer: The journal is published by IJAMHR Publication Group.

Q 14: How can I subscribe to a journal?

Answer: Visit the journal's web page to tab subscription rates.

Q 16: What are the requirements for submitting an article to the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research?

Answer: Articles should fall within the scope of the journal and meet IJAMHR's publication criteria: high quality, originality, novelty and importance. All relevant materials should be prepared according to the Authors Instructions. For more information about the submission process please feel free to contact us (editorijamhr@gmail.com)

Q 17: What is a corresponding author?

Answer: The corresponding author is the author of an article to whom questions concerning the scientific content of an article should be addressed after publication. He/she is the person who is most familiar with and responsible for the scientific content of the published article.

Q 18: How do I become a referee for the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research?

Answer: Referees are invited by the editor-in-chief or managing editor to perform the peer review of an article. Only scientists with experience in the respective area of interest are chosen for the review process. If an author is interested in reviewing for the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research he/she should contact the editorial office to express his/her interest and to communicate his/her specialist area (editorijamhr@gmail.com)

Q 19: What should I do in case of problems during file upload or download?

Answer: If there is a problem during file upload or download, and the problem can’t be resolved by trying the up- or download a second time, please contact the technical support at the International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (editorijamhr@gmail.com).

Q 20: How can I delete an incomplete submission?

Answer: Incomplete submissions may be removed at any point in time. The submitting author must log in to the journal website and remove or delete the submitted article or just send e-mail to editorijamhr@gmail.com for removal of the article.

Q 21: What is the Impact Factor of IJAMHR Journal?

Answer: The impact factors of the journal will calculated on the basis of the citation of the published article.

Q 22: What is the time to publication?

Answer: Publication online is rapid and continuous and quaterly, so articles will be published as soon as the article is prepared and submitted to the journal.

Q 23: Is Scientific Reports peer reviewed?

Answer: Yes, peer review is performed by at least three reviewers, and a template approach ensures fairness and efficiency.

Q 24: Why publish in Scientific Reports?

Answer: Publication in Scientific Reports will appeal to authors for whom speed of publication is a pre-requisite, to those whose paper is technically sound but reports a limited conceptual Advanced, or to those whose paper describes negative results.

Q 25: How can submit a paper?

Answer: Visit the ‘Online Submission’ section of the journal. If you trouble to submission through online, please submit your article to editorijamhr@gmail.com, editor@ijamhr.com

Q 26: What article types are included in the open access initiative?

Answer: The fee applies to primary research papers only.

Q 27: How will readers know articles are available free?

Answer: All articles are open access so users will be able to access the full text instantly. Articles will be marked with an icon bearing 'Open' on the full-text and PDF formats of the published work, and information on the type of Creative Commons licence will be available on all article formats and listed in the article metadata.

Q 28: Is there any specific ‘Author Guidelines’ of the journal?

Answer: Yes. Visit the Instructions to authors' page of the journal.

Q 29: How can I contact with the executive editor?

Answer: You can contact with the executive editor at editorijamhr@gmail.com

Q 30: What version of the Creative Commons license does the journal use?

Answer: Articles are published under a CC BY-NC license (Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License). Please see the journal Home page for more information, or visit our open research site to learn more about Creative Commons licensing.

Q 31: How will people find my work if this journal is online only?

Answer: The journal is highlighted through other International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) titles in online. The website is designed to facilitate article discovery with enhanced browse and search facilities.

Q 32: Does the journal offer advertising opportunities?

Answer: Online advertising will be displayed on the website. Please contact your sales representative for further information.

Q 33: Is it a refereed journal?

Answer: Yes, is a fully peer reviewed journal. It follows double blind peer review policy. The journal strictly maintains the academic review policy and publication ethics.

Q 34: Is it an international journal?

Answer: Yes, is a fully peer reviewed journal. It follows double blind peer review policy. The journal strictly maintains the academic review policy and publication ethics.

Q 35: Is the journal indexed?

Answer: The journal will indexed in various indexing bodies after released of first issue.

Q 36: Does this journal assign DOI?

Answer: The journal will apply for DOI after released of first issue..

Q 37: Is there any specific submission deadline?

Answer: Yes, there is a specific submission deadline for every issue of the journal. Visit the journal’s www.ijamhr.com for more details. Since the journal is published quaterly, the interested contributor can submit the paper at any time to the executive editor at editorijamhr@gmail.com. The paper will be automatically considered for next issue of the journal.

Q 38: When my paper will be published after the acceptance of my paper?

Answer: The accepted paper is generally published (online) within 2 to 3 weeks from the date of acceptance.

Q 40: I am interested to join the editorial board of the journal. What do I have to do?

Answer: Please visit the www.ijamhr.com

Q 41: Does the journal have plagiarism policy?

Answer: Yes. The editorial board is very strict regarding plagiarism. The journal believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else's manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered plagiarism-use your own words instead. The editorial board retains the absolute authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript if it subject to minor or major plagiarism and even may cancel the publication upon the complaint of victim(s) of plagiarism.