The International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) welcome the Research Articles, Brief communications, Reviews, Mini-reviews and Letters to Editor in the area of microbiology and health sciences. Manuscripts submitted by the researchers, must be original and unique not previously submitted to any other journal. Researchers are responsible for ensuring the originating of the manuscript and get approval from their institution or industry before submission. Once the manuscript received at editorial e-mail / office acknowledgement for the same will be sent within 48 hours.
Submissions of paper only send through e-mail, provide the tables, figures. Complete manuscript including title page (title, name of author (s), name of institution (s) with complete address including country and pin code, details of corresponding author, abstract, keywords) and main file should be done in MS-word file in times new Roman font and 14 size for heading and 12 size for paragraphs, send to e-mail ID:, immediately after the receipt of paper of acknowledgement will be sent to the concern author within 48 hours. The title page should contain the authors' full address, telephone number and designation.
Note: The International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research accept Manuscript only through e-mail.
Article Types
1) Original Research Articles:
The length of paper should be 8-10 pages. The paper should be original and unique; authors have to justify the research work and outcome of the research.
2) Brief Communication
The Brief Short communication is suitable for innovative ideas, methods and techniques. The length of the paper should not more than 4 pages.
3) Reviews
The authors can write the review articles on current problems and situations. The length of the paper should be 5 to 6 pages. Reviews are also peer-reviewed.
4) Case reports
Case reports of novel and extremely rare cases or rare presentations can be accepted. Priority will be given to cases with clinical significance or implications. The length of the paper should not exceed 3 pages.
5) Letter to the Editor
Letter to editor should be short, decisive observation and to 500-1000 words.
Review Process
Review process done by editor in chief and member of editors and associate editors. Decision will be made by editorial board within 2 to 3 weeks.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Research Articles should be presented in as concise a form as possible, type written in double space and all pages are to be numbered. Pages should be arranged consecutively and the contents arranged in the following order - title, name(s) of the author(s) with highest academic qualification of each author, abbreviated (running) title, department(s) institution(s), keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgement and references. Title page must include full name of the author (s), department (s), institution(s) with complete address including pin code and country name. Name, mailing address, e-mail Id and contact number of the corresponding author must be indicated.
Title of the manuscript should be short and relevant to the research work.
The abstract should cover all scope of research in the heading of introduction, aim and objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusion. The abstract should be 200 to 300 words. The abstract must be in complete sentences, clear and understandable words with no grammatical mistake. Materials and methods, results and conclusion section of the abstract should be written in the past tense. Review articles must have an unstructured abstract of 200 words. Brief communications and case reports have an unstructured abstract restricted to 100 words is required. No abstract is required for articles in letter to editor.
Original research articles, review articles and brief communications required 4 to 6 keywords, however for case reports 2 to 4 keywords required. No keywords required for letter to editor. Keywords are helpful for indexing purposes.
Introduction should be clear, brief and explain precisely the scope of the paper. The introduction should be easy and understandable so it will easily understand by various science disciplines.
Materials and Methods
Methods of sampling or selection criteria should be clearly mentioned. Period when the study was carried out and place where the study was conducted needs to be mentioned. The procedures adopted for carried out the research work should be cited. The statistical analysis and significance of the findings when appropriate should be mentioned. Subheadings can also be used.
Data that are generated from the research work should be clear and precise and present both in forms i.e. tabular and charts. Title of table and charts should be mention in short and relevant and it should be numbered. Statistical tests and p values must be mentioned in tables. Only important observations need to be emphasized or summarized in tabular or chart forms also it should explained.
The discussion should focus on the finding of the results. Finding of the results should correlate with finding of other workers either comparing or contrasting and include logical deductions and scientific reasons for the outcome.
The conclusion should covered with emphasize the novel, innovative and important aspects of the study. Recommendation may be included if appropriate.
Case Report
Case report is highly recommended for the cases of unusual or uncommon infections reported during treatment or diagnosis of the patients. It should be divided into introduction, case history and discussion with not more than 10 references. Case reports with good documentation including follow up, are preferred. The case report must have an unstructured abstract limited to 100 words with 3 key words. Illustrations and images are encouraged in case reports.
Brief Communication
Brief communication is recommended for brief observations of a study. It included section same as use in original article, but it should not exceed 4 pages. References must be as few as possible and not more than 10. Tables and figures should be limited to one each. It should have an abstract limited to 100 words with 3 to 5 keywords.
Letter to Editor
Letter to the editor, can be related to previously published articles or for presentation of novel reports. The length of the letter to editor is not exceeding 400 words without headings. It may include 2 to 4 paragraphs, with one table or figure and 5 references.
Acknowledgement should contain thanks to people who have help during research work or supporting during the drafting manuscript, granting body, departments, college, and university should be in a brief manner.
Tables and chart in the research paper should arrange in separate MS Word file, it should be easily understandable and in simple format. It should be double line space including the heading and foot note and it should be numbered.
Figures in the manuscript arranged separate sheet of MS word file. Graphics should be preparing with resolution GIF, JPEG, TIFF and power point are pasting in MS word file. Use Times New Roman numerical for figures.
Authors are advised to arrange the references in Vancouver style i.e. numbered all references, arrange the reference list in the order in which the references appear in the text. If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.” Use official abbreviations for titles of journals (if available). References should checked properly because the references will not be checked in the Editorial Office. Responsibility for their accuracy and completeness lies with the authors.
Singh G, Raksha, Urhekar AD. Role of Candida species in lower respiratory tract Infections?. Int. J Universal Bio Sci. 2014; 3(1): 1-8.
Singh G, Urhekar AD, Raksha. A study on correlation of malaria infection with A, B, O, Rh blood group system. J. Parasitol. Vector Biol. 2015; 7(4):67-73.
Singh R, Urhekar AD, Singh G. Comparison of different methods for detection of Aspergillus infection and identification of Aspergillus to species level. J Microbio Antimicrobial Agents. 2015; 1(2): 36-39.
Kar H, Singh G, Urhekar AD, Hodiwala AV, Samant SA. Cryptococcal Meningitis in Immunocompromised Patients: Report of Two Cases. World J Medicine Medical Sci. 2013; 1(2): 27-29.
Kar H, Singh G, Urhekar AD, Pani S, Hodiwala AV, Samant SA, et al. Microfilaria in pus sample of an ulcer over Elephantiasis leg: an unusual case presentation. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2013; 2(7): 147-150.
Singh G. Medical Laboratory Technology: 1st ed. (UDH Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India) 2005:99-106.
Proofs and Reprints
Proofs of the article in PDF file will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author only. The proof of the manuscripts are considered to be the final version of the manuscript with the exception of typographical or minor clerical errors, no changes will be made in the manuscript at the proof stage. Because the IJMHR will be published freely online to attract a wide audience, the authors can freely download the PDF file of the manuscript and they can print unlimited copies of the articles.
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published or submitted to or accepted for publication in any form, in any other journal. The authors also have to take responsibility for the conflict of interest (authorship of this article is not contested by anyone whose names are not mentioned in the article).
Fees and Charges
For all accepted articles the authors are required to pay Rs. 2000 (Indian authors) and 50U$ (for foreign authors) as processing fee. Authors can make a request (in Advance) if they needs waive some of the processing fee under special conditions.
After acceptance of the manuscript for publication, proof will be sent to authors, the authors must pay the processing charges as prescribed in the guidelines to authors. Article processing fees is not refundable. Because the processing fees covered reviewers report preparation, editing, proof reading, design, formatting and maintenance of the manuscript.