International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) is believed in originality of the work carried out by the researcher. Hereby authors are advice to avoid the plagiarism or duplication of the published work.
Plagiarism Policy of IJAMHR:
Plagiarism can happen in the following:
1. If the author(s) intentionally copy work published by others and claim it as their own, or
2. If the author(s) copy their previously published work either in full or in part, without providing appropriate references, also called self plagiarism or duplication of the work.
Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics.
Plagiarism Checking at Editor End:
IJAMHR publisher will checked any case of plagiarism on its limitations. If any kind of plagiarism is detected by the editorial board members (reviewer, editor or others staffs members), in any stage of manuscript process i.e. before or after acceptance, during editing or at page proof stage. We will send same to the author(s) to rephrase the content or to cite the appropriate references from where the content has been taken. If more than 30% of the paper is plagiarized then the article may be rejected or send to author for rewriting of the article.
Plagiarism checked done or not in IJAMHR?:
Yes, all the submitted manuscripts for publication in IJAMHR are checked for plagiarism after submission at editorial end.
How to categorize the plagiarism?
The articles in which the plagiarism is detected are categories on the basis of the percentages of the plagiarism.
1. If less than 5% plagiarism detected: The manuscript will be sent back to author with manuscript number for rephrase the content.
2. If 5 to 30% plagiarism detected: The manuscript will be sent back to author with manuscript number for rephrase the content.
3. If more than 30% plagiarism detected: The manuscript will be rejected without the started any further process. The authors are advised to made revision of the complete article and resubmit to the editor. If the plagiarism is detected more than 30% in manuscript, it showed that the authors are needed to revise the manuscript and resubmit the revised version of the manuscript. However, IJAMHR appreciate the authors to revise and full phrased the article and submit again to the editor as a new submission.
If plagiarism detected before publication
During searching of the articles if you found some plagiarism in other journals, kindly inform the editorial board office(s) via e-mail, with title of articles, name of authors, journal name, volume number, issue number, year of publication. The editorial board will check the plagiarism as per their policy.
If Plagiarism detected after publication
International Journal of Advanced Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR) are believed to avoid the plagiarism in the published manuscript. However if plagiarism is detected, the editorial board will conduct an investigation regarding the issue. The article containing the plagiarism will be marked on each page of the PDF. Depending on the percentages of the plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted.
Originality of the work
By submitting the manuscript to the journal for consideration for the publication, it is understood that the manuscript is original and not published anywhere. Plagiarism, including duplication of the published work or without proper citation is not considered by the journal. Before submission author(s) may check for plagiarism by using anti-plagiarism software.
Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation and stealing and publication of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions and the representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. Plagiarism represents the violation of copyright law.
Plagiarism occurs in following.
- Copy the portions of another author's paper from other source of exact content and using purposely.
- Copy the figures, tables, equations or illustrations and using without citing the source.
- Using text downloaded from the internet
- Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or diagrams without taking prior permission from the sources.
Acknowledging the Sources
If the author(s) using illustration or photographs of the other workers, they should either take prior permission in written or acknowledge the source of the photographs. Also cite the source in proper way.