Bhairav Prasad and Aditi Chauhan
Anti-Oxidant and Antimicrobial Studies of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi/Giloy) Stems and Roots under In Vitro Condition
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2019; 3(1):1-10
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Plants produce a diverse range of bioactive molecules, making them a rich source of
different types of medicines and healing properties. The present study was aimed to
evaluate the anti-oxidant and antimicrobial properties of stem and root of T. cordifolia.
Total phenolic contents of different solvent extracts were determined and found that ethanol
extract had the highest phenolic content of 0.3213 mg g-1. Antioxidant assays were also
carried out by using different in vitro models such as total reducing power, hydrogen
peroxide scavenging activity assay and hydroxyl redical scavenging activity. The Ethanol
extract showed the highest total antioxidant activity. The H2O2 scavenging and hydroxyl
free radical scavenging activity was maximum 87.2 % and 91.0% found in case of ethanolic
steam extract respectively. The antimicrobial activity of ethanolic and methanolic extract of
root and stem of T. cordifolia were also evaluated against some pathogenic microorganisms
viz. E. coli, B. subtilis, A. niger and Candida sp. it was found that the various concentration
of extract viz. 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg ml-1 were tested. It was observed that the
increasing in concentration there was also increasing in antimicrobial activity reveled by
increase in size of zone of inhibition. The methanolic stem extract exhibits highest
antimicrobial activity against all four pathogens. The study shown that the extract of T.
cordifolia has a wide range of anti-oxidant as well as antimicrobial activity against bacterial
as well as fungal pathogens.