Pornima Kamble, Mishel Rodrigues, KavitaPandey
Isolation of Gluten Hydrolyzing Probiotic Bacteria
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2018; 2(4):10-15
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Gluten, a common component in the human diet, is capable of triggering coeliac disease
pathogenesis in genetically predisposed individuals.Coeliac disease is characterized by
intestinal inflammation caused by gluten. Mammalian digestive enzymes are only partly
capable of cleaving gluten producing residual fragments which are capable of inducing
toxic responses in patients with coeliac diseases.It is a common fact that fermented food
like curd is a rich source of probiotics(good bacteria) that are beneficial for the intestinal
functioning. The current project was undertaken to isolate gluten hydrolyzing probiotic
bacteria from functional food like curd. Gluten used was extracted from wheat dough.
Bacterial isolates obtained from curd were cultured and maintained on MRSA agar. Out of
the 8 isolates, growth of 6 was supported by 0.5% gluten solution (acting as Carbon as well
as Nitrogen source). Thus, the gluten hydrolyzing probiotic strains were further subjected to
biochemical tests for identification. The isolates in isolation or combination could be used
in treatment of patients suffering from coeliac diseases (CD).