Benson Muriuki Githaiga, EliudMugu Gathuru, Paul Njenga Waithaka and Kathure Damaris Kirimi.
Isolation, Control and Development of Antiserum from Rastonia solanacearum
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2018; 2(4):1-9
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Rastonia solanacearum is a major cause of post harvest losses of Irish potatoes in the world today. This study was carried out in order to isolate Rastonia solanacearum from infected stems and tubers of Irish potatoes. In addition, the study determined the growth inhibitory activities of essential oils from rosemary, mint, lavender and eucalyptus against the bacterium. Isolation of the pathogen was carried out using serial dilution. Extraction of essential oils was done using distillation method. Sensitivity of the pathogen was carried out using agar well diffusion technique. Antiserum was prepared and tested again the pathogen using immune-diffusion bioassay. The mean number of Rastonia solanacearum produced by the infected Irish potato tuber was 1074.000 CFU/g while that of the stem was 328 CFU/g. There was a relationship between heating time and yield of essential oils in rosemary (r=0.99), mint (r=0.99), lavender (r=0.89) and eucalyptus (r=90). Conversely, there was no significant difference in the amount of essential oils produced by rosemary, mint, lavender and eucalyptus (P=0.078). There was a significant difference in the zones of inhibition produced by essential oils from rosemary, lavender, mint and eucalyptus (F=24.97 P=0.0009). Irish potatoes in the study area are highly infected by Rastonia solanacearum. Rosemary, mint, lavender and eucalyptus spp. produce essentials oils that are capable of controlling potato wilt bacterial pathogens. The isolated Rastonia solanacearum produces antiserum for rapid detection of the pathogen. There is need for mass production of essential oils from rosemary, mint, lavender and eucalyptus for the control of Rastonia solanacearum. Large scale production of antiserum for early detection of Rastonia solanacearum is highly recommended.