Diriba Girmaye, Debela Abdeta and Yobsan Tamiru.
Review on Bacterial Biofilms and its impact
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2018; 2(3):22-30
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Bacterial biofilms are aggregation of bacteria, which are organized into structural
communities and produce exopolysaccharide matrix as a major component for their
stability. Basic structure of microbial colonies framed in extracellular polymeric substance
and its development pass through multi step process which involves attachment, growth,
maturation and expansion which are determined by certain factors. It is composed of bio
molecules like deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA), protein, lipids and organic substances and
communicate with each other through a process called quorum sensing. Bacterial biofilms
have several impacts such as chronic bacterial infection (kidney stones, dental plaque and
chronic inflammatory infections), contamination of food and water quality and antibiotic
resistance. This leads to serious problems for living (humans and animals) and non living
organisms like medical equipment and vents allow group of microscopic organisms to
persist as reservoirs that can readily cause diseases by directly attacking the body tissues
which spread to other patients. Several diagnostic techniques are employed in order to
treatment, prevention and control of biofilm formation and its subsequent health effects.
Different researches, reviews and awareness creation are needed to be undertaken on the
bacterial biofilms and their impacts in developing countries, especially in Ethiopia.