Nira Neupane, Nirmala Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Sah
Perception of Clinical Learning Environment among Nursing Students
Int.J.Adv.Microbiol.Health.Res.2018; 2(1):36-41
Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues
Background: The descriptive study entitled Perception of Clinical Learning Environment (CLE) among Nursing Students was carried out to find the perception of clinical learning environment among nursing students with the sample of 75 respondents of Sanjeevani College of Medical Sciences and Lumbini Nursing College of Butwal Sub-metropolitan city. Materials and Methods: Purposive sampling technique with rating scale which was classified into 7 dimensions: students’ satisfaction; staff as learning resources; patient relationship as learning resources; Nurse Teacher commitment; pre - requisite as learning resources; task orientation, and student nurse and supervisory relationship were used to collect data. The data were analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics. Results: Findings of the study revealed that out of 75 respondents, the entire students belonged to the age group of 16 -20 years. Majority of the students (97%) were unmarried. Subjects based on religion showed that majority of the respondents (88%) were Hindu. Subjects based on Place of residence showed that majority of the samples (80%) were from Urban area and at the same time (20%) respondents were from Rural area. Subjects based on types of family exposed that (81%) were from Nuclear family. Out of 75 respondents, majority of the respondents (88%) were satisfied with the clinical learning environment and agreed with the criteria that ‘they do not think their clinical placement was just waste of time’ because maximum respondents (91%) agreed to the criteria that student nurses learn more from nursing staffs by observing how they carry out their roles in the hospital. Similarly, majority of the respondents (87%) agreed to the criteria whereby patient receives individual care, and (95%) agreed to the criteria whereby the nurse teachers regard them as a learner rather than as a worker. In the same way (80%) of the respondents agreed to the criteria - ‘I am able to reach equipment adequately for providing nursing care to the patients’ and 81% agreed to the criteria - ‘I am not compelled to perform the task beyond my clinical course’. Majority of the respondents (93%) have been found agreed with the criteria that their supervisor encourages them to be innovative in their work. Conclusion: In nutshell, the study revealed that the overall perception of all the respondents regarding different variables on the clinical learning environment has been found positive.