
Call for Research / Review Articles

International Journal of Advance Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR)

I hereby want to invite you to submit a paper for the International Journal of Advance Microbiology and Health Research (IJAMHR).

We are pleased to inform you that we are started a new journal on health sciences and we are in the process of releasing our First Issue of First Volume of our journal. We would be grateful if you would submit a paper for to complete the first issue of first volume. Research Article, Review Article, Case Reports, and Brief Communication etc are welcome for possible publication in this issue.

It would be grateful if you could submit your paper on or before 15 September, 2017. If you are ready with the manuscript please submit your article at editorijamhr@gmail.com

Looking forward to hear from you soon
Thanks & Regards
Editor In-Chief
International Journal of Microbiology and Health Research

Developed By : Hashtag Solutions

Singh Gurjeet, Urhekar AD

Role of Haemoglobing and Platelet for Diagnosis of Malaria

Publisher: IJAMHR, Category: Current Issues


Background: Malaria still causes severe infection in human being and responsible for high mortality in the world. P. falciparum is a species causing serious fatal infections.The aim of this study was to find the differences and role of haemoglobin and platelet count in P. falciparum and P. vivax.

Materials and Methods: This study was carried out at Department of Microbiology Central Clinical Laboratory, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. Total 200 positive samples (100 P. falciparum and P. vivax) were included in this study. Haemoglobin and platelet counts were estimated by standard method.

Results: Our study showed increased level in P. falciparum than P. vivax. In our study we found that P. falciparum altered more in haemoglobin and platelet counts than P. vivax.

Conclusion: Our study highlights the value of these two tests (haemoglobin and platelet count) which can be used as biomarkers to confirmation of malaria.


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